Девочка с косами

Simple present continuous tense (osy shaq) of the Kazakh language

In this article you will find information about the conjugation of verbs in the simple present continuous tense
Дети в классе пишут

Past continuous tense (naq ótken shaq) of the Kazakh language

In this post you will learn about the conjugation of Kazakh verbs in the past continuous tense of the Kazakh language tense
Девочка за ноутбуком

Past transitional tense (aýyspaly ótken shaq) of the Kazakh language

В статье приводится спряжение глаголов казахского языка в прошедшем переходном времени
Дети на лужайке с поднятыми руками вверх

Past uncertain tense (kúmándi ótken shaq) of the Kazakh language

The article presents the verb conjugation in the past uobvious tense
Девочка под зонтом

Tenses in the Kazakh language

Article about tenses of the Kazakh language with affixes and endings
Дробное числительное

Fractional numeral (bólshektik san esim) of the Kazakh language

In this note, you will find a description of the fractional numerals of the Kazakh language, as well as examples of its use
Разделительное числительное

Separative numeral (toptaý san esim) of the Kazakh language

In this note, you will find a description of the separative numerals of the Kazakh language, as well as examples of its use
Приблизительное числительное

Approximate numerals (boljaldyq san esimder) of the Kazakh language

In this note, you will find a description of the approximate numerals of the Kazakh language, as well as examples of its use
Собирательное числительное (жинақтау сан есім)

Collective numeral (jınaqtaý san esim) of the Kazakh language

In this note, you will find a description of the collective numeral of the Kazakh language, as well as examples of its use
На газоне с книгами три мальчугана

Quiz on the nominative case of the Kazakh language

This test will help to consolidate the basic knowledge of the nominative case of the Kazakh language
Девочка рисует фломастером на уроке

Qazaq tili – my native language

Meniń ana tilim — qazaq tili. Qazaqtardyń ana tili qazaq tili. Men orys tilinde sóıleımin, aǵylshyn tilin azdap bilemin. Ózbek, qyrǵyz tilderin túsinemin. Men eki til bilemin. Olar: orys tili men qazaq tili. Men oryssha, qazaqsha…
кисти на картине

The Kazakh Latin and Cyrillic alphabets

In this entry you can find a comparison table of the Kazakh alphabet with sound transcriptions in Latin and Cyrillic
Урок для двоих

The Kazakh Latin alphabet

In this entry you can find a table of the Kazakh alphabet with sound transcriptions in Latin
Дети на уроке природы осенью

The Kazakh Cyrillic alphabet

In this entry you can find a table comparing the Kazakh alphabet with sound transcriptions in Cyrillic
Порядковое числительное (реттік сан есім)

Ordinal numeral (rettik san esim) of the Kazakh language

In this note, you will find a description of the ordinal numeral of the Kazakh language, as well as examples of its use

Количественное числительное (есептік сан есім)

Cardinal numeral (eseptik san esim) of the Kazakh language

In this note, you will find a description of the cardinal numeral of the Kazakh language, as well as examples of its use

Числительные казахского языка

Numeral adjectives of the Kazakh language

Complete table of all numeral adjectives of the Kazakh language with questions and examples

Девочка с цветами на полу

Future indefinite tense of the Kazakh language

The article presents the conjugation of verbs in the future indefinite tense

Девочка с листьями в руке

Pluperfect tense (burynǵy ótken shaq) of the Kazakh language

The article provides some examples of the long past tense of the Kazakh language

Младенец смотрит в камеру

Simple past tense (jedel ótken shaq) of the Kazakh language

The article presents the conjugation of verbs in the simple past tense

Дети на уроке едят яблоко

Complex form of the present continuous tense (naq osy shaq) of the Kazakh language

The article provides examples of verb conjugation in the complex form of the present continuous tense

Дети за столом пьют сок

Complex verbs in Kazakh language

The article provides some examples of complex verbs of the Kazakh language

Девочка и мальчик лежат на траве и рисуют

Case inflection of pronouns of the Kazakh language

Table with examples of declension of pronouns by cases of the Kazakh language

Девочка лежит на траве

The possessive case of nouns in the Kazakh language, description and examples

Article about possessive form of nouns in the Kazakh language with descriptions and examples

Творительный падеж (көмектес септік)

Instrumental case (kómektes septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

The instrumental case (kómektes septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

Исходный падеж (шығыс септік)

Original case (shyǵys septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

The original case (shyǵys septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

Направительно-дательный падеж

Directional-dative (barys septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

Directional-dative (barys septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

Родительный падеж (ілік септік)

Genitive case (ilik septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

Article about the genitive case (ilik septik) of nouns of the Kazakh language with a description and examples