Fractional numeral (bólshektik san esim) of the Kazakh language
San esimder (numerals)In this note, you will find a description of the fractional numerals of the Kazakh language, as well as examples of its use
Separative numeral (toptaý san esim) of the Kazakh language
San esimder (numerals)In this note, you will find a description of the separative numerals of the Kazakh language, as well as examples of its use
Approximate numerals (boljaldyq san esimder) of the Kazakh language
San esimder (numerals)In this note, you will find a description of the approximate numerals of the Kazakh language, as well as examples of its use
Collective numeral (jınaqtaý san esim) of the Kazakh language
San esimder (numerals)In this note, you will find a description of the collective numeral of the Kazakh language, as well as examples of its use
Ordinal numeral (rettik san esim) of the Kazakh language
San esimder (numerals)In this note, you will find a description of the ordinal numeral of the Kazakh language, as well as examples of its use
Cardinal numeral (eseptik san esim) of the Kazakh language
San esimder (numerals)In this note, you will find a description of the cardinal numeral of the Kazakh language, as well as examples of its use
Numeral adjectives of the Kazakh language
San esimder (numerals)Complete table of all numeral adjectives of the Kazakh language with questions and examples