Instrumental case (kómektes septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

Творительный падеж (көмектес септік)

Instrumental case (kómektes septik) of the Kazakh language corresponds to the Subjective Case in English with the preposition to, on, by, with.

Qazaq English
Ajar Sáýle-men dos Azhar and Saule are friends
Ajar dos qyzy-men kınoǵa bardy Azhar and a friend went to the movies
Janna kaladan mashına-men keldi Jeanne came from the city by car
Men sheshem-men bazarǵa bardy I went to the market with my mother
Munda men mashına-men keldim I came here by car
Juma saıyn radıo-men tatardyń halyq áni beriledi On Fridays Tatar folk songs broadcasts on the radio

The instrumental case (kómektes septık) answers questions kimmen? (with whom? whom?), nemen? (what?) and is used to indicate the object with which the action is performed or to which it is directed. When compared with the nominative case (ataý septik), we see the following: Jol (the road) — Jol-men (by road).

Qazaq English Question
Men onda dosym-men jolyqtym I met there with the friend kimmen?
Men seni-men ketpekpin I’m going to leave with you kimmen?
Men erteń seni-men sóılesemin Tomorrow I’ll talk to you kimmen?
Men sút-pen shaı ishpekpin I’m going to drink tea with milk nemen?
Almatyda tramvaı-men, avtobýs-pen, troleıbýs-pen júredi Almaty travel on trams, buses and trolleybuses nemen?
Qalam-men, qaryndash-pen qaǵazǵa jazady On paper write with a pen and pencil nemen?

Nouns in instrumental case (kómektes septık) take the endings -men, -ben, -pen:

  1. If the base word ends in the vowels -a, -á, -e, -ı, -ý, -y, -i and sonoric vowels -ı, -l, -m, -n, -ń, -r, -ý, then the ending -men is added to it.
    Qazaq English
    Ahmet ashanada Asan-men birge tamaqtandy Ahmet with Asan went to the dining room to eat
    Erǵalı-men kınoǵa bardym I went to the movies with Yergali
    Bor-men taqtaǵa jazady On the blackboard write with chalk
    Kisiler arba-men júredi People walk with a cart
    Egindi kombaın-men jınaıdy The crop is harvested by combine harvester.
    Jerdi traktor-men jyrtady Plows the ground with a tractor
  2. If the final sound of word voiceless consonant -k, -q, -p, -s, -t, -sh
    or ends in a voiced consonant -b, -v, -g, -ǵ, -d, then the ending -pen is added to it.

    Qazaq English
    Alysqa ushaq-pen ushady They fly far by plane
    Men sizge izgi nıet-pen kel-di-m* I came to you with good intentions
    Kitap-pen kóp jumys isteý kerek You need to work a lot with the book
    Men qardy kúrek-pen kúrdim I drew snow with a shovel
    Ańshy myltyq-pen atty The hunter fired with a rifle

    * Kel-di-m = I came – The suffix of the simple past tense is added here.

  3. If the base words ending in voiced consonants -j,-z, then the ending -ben is added to it.
    Qazaq English
    Áje toqyma biz-ben oramal toqydy Grandma knitted a scarf on the needles
    Men poez-ben keledi I arrived by train
    Ol qyz-ben kınoǵa bardy He went to the movies with a girl
    Men erteń siz-ben sóılesemin Tomorrow I’ll talk to you