Future indefinite tense of the Kazakh language

Девочка с цветами на полу

Hello, dear blog readers! On our website already written articles that touch on the subject vremenu Kazakh language, the long-past tense, the simple past tense and the complex form of the present continuous tense. But in this post you will find a description with examples of the future indefinite tense of the Kazakh language. The future indefinite tense is formed by adding endings –ar/-er/-r to the verb root, then then personal endings –myn/-min, -syń/-siń, -syz/-siz, -myz/-miz, -syńdar/-sińder, -syzdar/-sizder are added. In the negative form of the he future indefinite tense, instead of the endings –ar/-er/-r, the endings –mas/-mes, -bas/-bes, -pas/-pes are added.

Affirmative form (-ar, -er, -r)

Men qaıtarmyn – I might be going backBiz kelermiz – We may come
Sen jasarsyń – You might do itSender tańdanarsyńdar – You might be surprised
Siz jazda júzersiz – You may be swimming in the summerSizder olardy jeńersizder – You will probably defeat them
Ol hat jazar – He might write a letterOlar bárin buzar – They might spoil everything

Negative form (-mas/-mes, -bas/-bes, -pas/-pes)

Men qaıtpaspyn – I probably won’t be backBiz kelmespiz – We probably won’t come
Sen jasamassyń – You probably won’t do it.Sender tańdanbassyńdar – You probably won’t be surprised
Siz jazda júzbessiz – You probably won’t be swimming in the summerSizder olardy jeńbessizder – You probably won’t beat them
Ol hat jazbas – He probably won’t write a letterOlar bárin buzbas – They probably won’t spoil everything

qaıtý – to return, kelý – to come, jasaý – to make, tańdaný – to wonder, buzý – to spoil

jaz – summer, hat – a letter