Именительный падеж (ataý septik)

Nominative case (ataý septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples.

Article about the nominative case (ataý septik) of nouns of the Kazakh language with a description and examples.

Падежи казахского языка

Cases of the Kazakh language

Article about cases of the Kazakh language.

Трое детей с мячами в руках

Golden rules in language learning

In this post, you will find some interesting rules that will help you improve the language you are learning
Трое детей с мячами в руках

Zero article

Meals: I usually have toast for breakfast. We by some bread and cheese for lunch. We usually have dinner at seven. He told Will and me she slipped while serving supper. Subjects: I study Mathematics and Economics. I’m studying…
Трое детей с мячами в руках

Definite article the

We use the with a singular or plural noun when we talk about something for the second time: I bought a jacket and a scarf yesterday. The jacket’s blue and the scarf’s grey. These are my cassettes and DVDs. The cassettes are old, but…
Трое детей с мячами в руках

Indefinite articles a/an

We use a + consonant sound - a book, a hospital, a [ju:] university, a [ju:] uniform We use an + vowel sound - an apple, an hour, an heir, an interesting book, an [A] ugly toy 1. We use a/an with a singular noun when we mention something for…