Творительный падеж (көмектес септік)

Instrumental case (kómektes septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

The instrumental case (kómektes septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

Исходный падеж (шығыс септік)

Original case (shyǵys septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

The original case (shyǵys septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples
Направительно-дательный падеж

Directional-dative (barys septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

Directional-dative (barys septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

Родительный падеж (ілік септік)

Genitive case (ilik septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

Article about the genitive case (ilik septik) of nouns of the Kazakh language with a description and examples

Именительный падеж (ataý septik)

Nominative case (ataý septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples.

Article about the nominative case (ataý septik) of nouns of the Kazakh language with a description and examples.

Падежи казахского языка

Cases of the Kazakh language

Article about cases of the Kazakh language.