Qazaq tili – my native language
Qazaq language
Meniń ana tilim — qazaq tili. Qazaqtardyń ana tili qazaq tili. Men orys tilinde sóıleımin, aǵylshyn tilin azdap bilemin. Ózbek, qyrǵyz tilderin túsinemin. Men eki til bilemin. Olar: orys tili men qazaq tili. Men oryssha, qazaqsha…

Complex verbs in Kazakh language
Qazaq languageThe article provides some examples of complex verbs of the Kazakh language

Case inflection of pronouns of the Kazakh language
Qazaq languageTable with examples of declension of pronouns by cases of the Kazakh language

The possessive case of nouns in the Kazakh language, description and examples
Qazaq languageArticle about possessive form of nouns in the Kazakh language with descriptions and examples