Local case (jatys septik) of nouns in the Kazakh language, the description and examples

Местный падеж (жатыс септік)

Local case (jatys septik) Kazakh language indicates the position of people, objects and events in space and time. Local case (jatys septik) answers questions kimde? kimderde? (who?), nede? nelerde? (what?), qaıda? (where?) qashan? (when?).

Question qaıda? can translates as where? and to conform to the shape of the Directional-dative (barys septik) Kazakh nouns.

Qazaq English Question
Raýshan dáris-ta otyr Raushan sitting at the lecture қайда?
Men anam-da I’m at my mother’s house кімде?
Súıek tamaq-ta A bone in the throat неде?
Bul keleshek-te bolady This will happen in the future қашан?


Noun in the local case (jatys septik) accept the following endings -da (-de), -ta (-te), -nda (-nde):

  1. After voiced vowels-a, -á, -e, -ı, -y, -i (except -y and in the cases of  the 3rd person form), voiced consonants -j, -z or sonorants -ı, -l, -m, -n, -ń, -r, -ý, then added to it the following endings: da/-de.
    Qazaq English
    Aman-da bılet bar Aman has the ticket
    Sen jaz-da bar Go in the summer
    Sálim-de kitap jok Salem doesn’t have a book
    Nan dúken-de The bread in the store
  2. If the final sound of word voiceless consonant-k, -q, -p, -s, -t, -sh or ends with a voiced consonant -b, -v, -g, -ǵ, -d, then added to it the following endings -ta/-te.
    Qazaq English
    Maksut-ta eki bala bar Maksut have two children
    Ol oryndyq-ta otyr He/She sits on the chair
    Ol kereýet-te jatyr He/She lies on the bed
    Kenes-te bir bala Kenes has one child
  3. In cases of possessive forms of the third person with affixes -y/-i, -sy/-si after a root word, add the endings -nda/-nde.
    Qazaq English
    Aısha áke-si-nde týrady Aisha lives with his father
    Kitap Balymnyń ini-si-nde Balym’s younger brother has the book
    Tek qana kompúter onyń bas-y-nda! Only the computer in his/her head!
    Eki saıt Asqardyń aǵa-sy-nda Askar’s older brother has two websites


In the Kazakh language local case (jatys septik) means:

  1. The location of a person or item:
    Qazaq English
    Samarhan Moskva-da týrady Samaran lives in Moscow
    Kıimder shkaf-ta ilýli tur Clothes hanging in the closet
    Aqsha Serǵazy-da Money from Sergazy
    Kilem eden-de jatyr The carpet lies on the floor
  2. The duration and condition of the subject:
    Qazaq English
    Jaz-da aýylǵa baramyz In the summer we’ll go to the village
    Kesh-te teatrda bolamyz We’ll be at the theater tonight
    Asqar tún-de úshady Askar leaves at night
    Leksıa toǵyz-da bastalady The lecture starts at nine
  3. The age of the person:
    Qazaq English
    Volodá jıyrma-da Volodya is twenty years old
    Natasha on segiz-de Natasha is eighteen years old
    Abaı elý bir-de Abay is fifty one years old
    Talǵat on bes-te Talgat is fifteen years old