Past transitional time (aýyspaly ótken shaq) of the Kazakh language
In the Kazakh language the past transitional tense of the verb (aýyspaly ótken shaq) in contrast to the past uncertain tense (kúmándi ótken shaq) is used when the action is repeated constantly, has a long-term character, and occurred for a long time for an indefinite time.
- Examples of the past transitional tense
- Negation in the past transitional tense
- Interrogative form of the past transitional tense
Examples of the past transitional tense
The transitional past tense of the verb (aýyspaly ótken shaq) is formed by attaching the suffixes -atyn, -etin, -ıtin to the base of the verb. Then one of the personal affixes -myn/-min, -syń/-siń, -syz/-siz, -byz/-biz, -syńdar/-sińder, -syzdar/-sizder is added. The choice of an affix depends on:
- hardness or softness of the last syllable of a verb
- its last sound
- person and number of the verb
The affix of the past tense –atyn + solid personal affixes:
Person | Number |
1st | Single |
Men aıt-atyn-myn. | I said. |
Plural | |
Biz aıt-atyn-byz. | We said. |
2nd | Single |
Sen aıt-atyn-syń. Siz aıt-atyn–siz. | You said. You said. |
Plural | |
Sender aıt-atyn-syńdar. Sizder aıt-atyn-syzdar. | You said. You said. |
3rd | Single |
Ol aıt-atyn. | She/He said. |
Plural | |
Olar aıt-atyn. | They said. |
The affix of the past tense –etin + soft personal affixes:
Person | Number |
1st | Single |
Men ish-etin-min. | I drank. |
Plural | |
Biz ish-etin-biz. | We drank. |
2nd | Single |
Sen ish-etin-sin. Siz ish-etin-siz. | You drank. You drank. |
Plural | |
Sender ish-etin-sinder. Sizder ish-etin-sizder. | You drank. You drank |
3rd | Single |
Ol ish-etin. | She/He drank. |
Plural | |
Olar ish-etin. | They drank. |
The affix of the past tense –ıtin + soft personal affixes:
Person | Number |
1st | Single |
Men serýende-ıtin-min. | I walked. |
Plural | |
Biz serýende-ıtin-biz. | We walked. |
2nd | Single |
Sen serýende-ıtin-siń. Siz serýende-ıtin-siz. | You walked. You walked. |
Plural | |
Sender serýende-ıtin–sinder. Sizder serýende-ıtin-sizder. | You walked. You walked. |
3rd | Single |
Ol serýende-ıtin. | He/She walked. |
Plural | |
Olar serýende-ıtin. | They walked. |
Negation in the past transitional tense
Negative form of the past unobvious tense of the Kazakh language is formed by attaching -ma/-me, -ba/-be, -pa/-pe. First, affixes -ma/-me, -ba/-be, -pa/-pe are added to the base of the verb, then follows the verbal adverb affix -p and the personal affixes of the past tense verb -myn/-min, -syń/-siń, -syz/-siz, -byz/-biz, -syńdar/-sińder, -syzdar/-sizder.
Negative affix -ma + the past tense affix –atyn + solid personal affixes:
Person | Number |
1st | Single |
Men aıt-pa-ıtyn-myn. | I didn’t say. |
Plural | |
Biz aıt-pa-ıtyn-byz. | We didn’t say. |
2nd | Single |
Sen aıt-pa-ıtyn-syń. Siz aıt-pa-ıtyn-siz. | You didn’t say. You didn’t say. |
Plural | |
Sender aıt-pa-ıtyn-syńdar. Sizder aıt-pa-ıtyn-syzdar. | You didn’t say. You didn’t say. |
3rd | Single |
Ol aıt-pa-ıtyn. | She/He didn’t say. |
Plural | |
Olar aıt-pa-ıtyn. | They didn’t say. |
Negative affix -me + the past tense affix –ıtin + soft personal affixes:
Person | Number |
1st | Single |
Men sóıle-me-ıtin-min. | I didn’t say. |
Plural | |
Biz sóıle-me-ıtin-miz. | We didn’t say. |
2nd | Single |
Sen sóıle-me-ıtin-siń. Siz sóıle-me-ıtin-siz. | You didn’t say. You didn’t say. |
Plural | |
Sender sóıle-me-ıtin-sinder. Sizder sóıle-me-ıtin-sizder. | You didn’t say. You didn’t say. |
3rd | Single |
Ol sóıle-me-ıtin. | She/He didn’t say. |
Plural | |
Olar sóıle-me-ıtin. | They didn’t say. |
Interrogative form of the past transitional tense
The interrogative form is formed using the interrogative particles -ma/-me, -ba/-be, -pa/-pe and question words.
Sen sabaqta bolatynsyń ba? | Were you in the class? |
Siz jınalysta sóıleıtinsiz be? | Did you speak at the meeting? |
Sizder tanysatynsyzdar ma? | Have you read your lessons? |
Olar sálemdesetin me? | Did they say hello? |
Sen keshe leksıada bolatynsyń ba? | Did you attend the lecture yesterday? |
Balalar nan ákeletin me? | Did the children bring bread? |
Siz jáne dosyńyz qashantanystatynsyzdar? | When did you and your friend meet? |
Ashanada kim bolatyn? | Who was in the kitchen? |
Seniń ápkeń turmysqa shyqatyn ma, joq pa? | Is your sister married or not? |
Sizdiń aǵańyz qashan úılenetin? | When did your brother get married? |
Olarmen qaı jerde serýendeıtin? | Where did he walk with them? |
Learn also how the pluperfect tense of the Kazakh language is formed.