Separative numeral (toptaý san esim) of the Kazakh language

Разделительное числительное

Good day, dear blog readers! Separative numerals (toptaý san esim) express the division of groups of objects into equal parts and are formed from cardinal numerals by adding the affix of the original case (shyǵys septik) -nan, -nen, -dan, -den, -tan, -ten or repeating the numeral, and then adding the affix of the original case. Toptaý san esim answers questions nesheden? qanshadan? (how much?).

The contents

Examples of separative numerals

  • Cardinal numeral + Shyǵys septik = eki + den
  • Cardinal numeral – Cardinal numeral + Shyǵys septik = úsh-úsh + ten
úshtenon/of three
altydanon/of six
jetidenon/of seven
onnanon/of ten
elýden on/of fifty

The use of separative numerals in sentences

  • Barlyq aǵaıyndarǵa altydan dollar berildi. All brothers were given on six dollars.
  • Olardyń úılerinde onnan esik bar. There are ten doors in their houses.
  • Ár topta elýden stýdent oqıdy. These students were mounted in groups of fifty.
  • Olar páterlerde úsh-úshten turdylar. They lived in apartments of three.
  • Ár jigit ár qyzǵa jeti-jetiden qyzyqty áńgime aıtady. Each guy tells each girl seven interesting stories.