The possessive case of nouns in the Kazakh language, description and examples

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Possessive endings – táýeldik jalǵaý

The possessive case in the Kazakh language is expressed using the possessive endings — táýeldik jalǵaý. Such a construction “noun” + “possessive endings ” are also called the possessive case of nouns.

Pronoun Affix Example
meniń -ym/-im/-m meniń qalam-ym (my pen),
dápter-im (my notebook),
bala-m (my child)
bizdiń -ymyz/-imiz, -myz/-miz bizdiń dos-ymyz (our friend),
bizdiń dos-tar-ymyz (our friends),
úı-imiz (our house),
áke-miz (our father),
áke-ler-imiz (our fathers)
seniń -yń/-iń/-ń seniń dos-tar-yń (your friend),
senderdiń dos-tar-yń (your friends),
áje-ń (your grandmother),
áje-ler-iń (your grandmothers)
sizdiń -yńyz/-ińiz, -ńyz/-ńiz Sizdiń keńes-ińiz (Your advice),
Sizdiń jol-yńyz (Your way),
Sizdiń keńes-ter-ińiz (Your pieces of advice),
Sizderdiń jol-dar-yńyz (Your roads)
onyń olardyń -y/-i, -sy/-si onyń qalam-y (his pen),
bala-sy (her child),
áje-si (his grandmother)),
qyz-ym-nyń qalam-y (my daughter’s pen),
Qaırat-tyń áje-si (Kairat’s grandmother)

In the Kazakh language after the vowel and consonants are different versions of the affix. Before the possessive case are replaced by voiced consonants.

The original word meniń (my) seniń (your, yours) bizdiń (our) sizdiń (your) onyń, olardyń (his/her, their)
mektep (school) mekte-b-im mekte-b-iń mekte-b-imiz mekte-b-ińiz mekte-b

Nouns with inconsistent definition is used with the possessive endings of the 3rd person.

the city a beautiful city Almaty city his city
qala ádemi qala-sy Almaty qala-sy qala-sy

 In cases of possessive case of the third person the endings y/-i, -sy/-si are added to the basis of words.

For example: Bas-y (his/her head), úı-i (his/her house), ana-sy (his/her mother), ini-si (his/her brother).

In the Kazakh language, there is no grammatical category of gender, so nouns in cases of the possessive form of the third person can be translated into English, both in the masculine and feminine gender.

If the noun is in one of two cases: the Directional-dative (barys septik) or the Local case (jatys septik), after the possessive case (táýeldik jalǵaý), the letter “n” is added.

Men qalada turamyn. I live in the city. Men Aqtaý qala-sy-nda тұрамын.
Men qalaǵa baramyn. I will go to the city. Men Aqtaý qala-sy-na baramyn.

There is also a special possessive case, which is formed using the affixes —niki/-diki/-tiki (-niki — after vowels; -diki — after voiced consonants and sonorants). This form is used if the noun or pronoun acts as the predicate.

Mynaý sizdiń kereýet-iniz. (This is your bed).

Myna kereýet siz-diki. (This bed is Yours).

The possessive endings are not added to the noun. A special possessive cases: meniń — meniki, seniń — seniki, onyń — onyki.

Two more examples with the possessive case

Meniń úıim Bizdiń úıimiz
Seniń úıińiz Senderdiń úıler
Sizdiń úı Sizderdiń úılerińiz
Onyń úıі Olardyń úıі

úı – house

Meniń ákem Bizdiń ákemiz
Seniń ákeń Senderdiń ákeler
Sizdiń ákeńiz Sizderdiń ákelerińiz
Onyń ákesi Olardyń ákesi

áke – father